Our fundraisers directly fund our main service projects and charitable contributions.

 Some of our service projects include: the St Columba Youth Group;  providing youth with mentoring, scholarships, community service, and spiritual guidance.

-Thanksgiving dinners for families of the St Columba community

-Charitable contribution to other St Columba minstries

-Participate in church activities that promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and benefit the community of St Columba Church.

-Annual Kwanzaa celebration at St Columba

Our fundraisers include our monthly Casino Bus Trip (see Casino Page), our 5th Sundays Pancake Breakfast, our twice yearly Clothing Drive, as well as Movie Screenings, sponsored Raffles and church dances and dinners.


Our pancake breakfast sales occur on every month with a "5th Sunday."  Our menu includes Choice of Pancakes or Waffles, eggs, sausage, fruit cup and juice.

Donation is $10.00.  Breakfast takes place in the St Columba Parish Hall.  See below for schedule.

SEPT 29TH 8:00 AM-1:00PM 

Clothing Drive

Need to clean out your closets of old clothes and wearables that you don't need anymore?  Consider donating to us, The Knights of Peter Claver, St Columba.  We do our clothing drive twice annually.  You may contact us anytime throughout the year and we will be happy to pickup your donation.